Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Various Systems of the Human Body: A Systematic Review PMC



cns depressant alcohol

A neural circuit comprises of a series of neurons which send electro chemical signals to one another. An activated neuron sends chemical signaling molecules called neurotransmitters through the neural circuit which bind to specific molecules called the receptors. Depending upon the circuit involved, the binding of these neurotransmitters may cause excitatory or inhibitory signals to be passed further along the circuit. The content published in Cureus is the result of clinical experience and/or research by independent individuals or organizations. Cureus is not responsible for the scientific accuracy or reliability of data or conclusions published herein. All content published within Cureus is intended only for educational, research and reference purposes.

Risk of Dependence and Addiction

This condition can have a negative effect on health, relationships, and emotional fun activities for substance abuse groups well-being. Yes, initially and in small doses, alcohol does act as a stimulant. Drinking may lower a person’s inhibitions, which may increase feelings of spontaneity. Depressants cause slower brain activity, leading to muscle relaxation and a calm mood.

Side Effects of Alcohol and Other Depressants

Anyone witnessing signs of CNS depression or an overdose in another person should call the emergency services or local poison control center for guidance. Addiction to CNS depressants may see a person experience social and family problems, difficulty working, and an inability to function in daily. Tricyclic and tetracyclic (TCA) antidepressants can also intensify the effects of CNS depressants, especially drowsiness. Prescription benzodiazepines and opioids carry the highest level of warning from the U.S.

Time and again history has proven that this fatal addiction could make the life of those who consume it terrible. Also, the lives of the dear ones of alcoholic people are affected as alcohol not only affects those who consume them but also kin and friends. Various research studies conducted over many years clearly show the association of prolonged alcohol intake in the causation, aggravation, worsening, and deterioration of the health of its consumers.

It is critical that we examine changes in concurrent use given the separate increases in alcohol use and in central nervous system depressant medication use that have been observed. Understanding these trends and relationships could potentially help explain the documented increases in alcohol-related adverse drug reactions and acute ED admissions. Therefore, the primary goal of the present study was to examine changes in the prevalence of prescribed sedative-hypnotic and opioid medication use among those who do and do not regularly consume alcohol, from the years 1999 to 2014. The rapid increase in the prevalence of sleep medication use warrants comment, particularly given that those who report regular alcohol consumption are just as likely to use these medications as those who drink infrequently or abstain.

cns depressant alcohol

The study however found a positive correlation with drinking to cope motives and the Taq1A polymorphism of the DRD2 gene. Candidate genes suggested in the development of alcohol addiction are involved in the dopaminergic, serotoninergic, GABA and glutamate pathways. Recent advances in the study of alcoholism have thrown light on the involvement of various neurotransmitters in the phenomenon of alcohol addiction.

What to Know About CNS Depressants

It can also feel rewarding to drink, as alcohol releases dopamine in the brain, encouraging you to keep drinking. The immediate effects of drinking alcohol can help you feel more relaxed, more confident, and less inhibited. However, as these short-term effects wear off, other effects begin to take hold.

These medications are prescribed in the form of a pill, capsule, or liquid that you take orally. They work by increasing your brain’s production of a chemical called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Slowly over a period of time, the person craves more of the drug, to achieve the same kind of high as earlier. He thus starts consuming more and more alcohol until a point comes when normal brain chemistry simply cannot function without alcohol.

Almost all the major organs that make up a human’s physiological being are dramatically affected by the overconsumption of alcohol. There is an enormous overall economic cost that is paid for alcohol abuse all over the world. The amount of alcohol a person consumes affects them more than the type of alcohol they drink. People may develop an addiction to alcohol after using it to cope with stress or traumatic life events. Addressing emotional or mental health concerns can help people with AUD find ways to cope that do not involve alcohol.

Stimulants vs. depressants

It is a drug which is so commonly available in so many different forms and what foods contain alcohol guises that it is often hard to even look at it in that way. A person should speak with a healthcare professional to learn more about healthy alcohol use. A therapist can help individuals with AUD develop coping skills to reduce stress and manage cravings. A psychotropic substance impacts the brain and can affect thoughts, mood, or behavior. Alcohol is a depressant that affects the central nervous system (CNS).

People with any of these conditions should check with a doctor before using a CNS depressant. If you’ve ever had a substance abuse problem, you should continue to avoid alcohol and mediations that depress the CNS. You may also be at higher risk if you have existing respiratory problems such as emphysema and sleep apnea. The spinal cord 2c-b-fly handles nerve impulses, allowing your brain to communicate with the rest of your body. The central nervous system (CNS) consists of the brain and the spinal cord. Some are safer than others, but all produce lower levels of awareness in the brain and cause the activity in the CNS to slow down.

  1. Any event that causes decreased blood flow and oxygen to the brain, such as a severe heart attack can also lead to CNS depression.
  2. CNS depressants are medications and other substances that slow down the CNS.
  3. Alcohol addiction and dependence of late has been shown to be affected by the influence of genes.
  4. Thus, analyses utilized data from participants who participated in both the in-home interview and MEC portions of the NHANES.

Some types of CNS depressant can also have long-term effects, causing someone to have difficulty thinking, confusion, speech problems, loss of coordination, and muscle weakness. A person may recover from an overdose, but research in the Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology shows that some may continue to have problems with everyday functioning after leaving the hospital. Some of these substances, for example, codeine, are present in medications for coughs or diarrhea. These are strong pain-relieving drugs that come from opium, a substance made from the seeds of the poppy.

Participants who refuse to provide physical containers are asked to verbally report their medication use instead (16.7% of respondents). Entered medication names were matched to a prescription drug database, Lexicon Plus® by Cerner Multum, Inc., which is used to classify the medications by therapeutic drug categories. Prescription drug data are stored in an event-level database, (i.e., each participant may have multiple prescriptions). Records involving sedative-hypnotics or opioids were extracted according to the classification terms described in Box 1. Certain drugs with low abuse potential were excluded, such as antihistamines and supplements. Sedative-hypnotics were sub-classified by indication as anxiolytics and sleep medications.

cns depressant alcohol

It rules virtually every other part of your body and mind, including how you feel about and interact with the world around you. While it may feel good to drink, alcohol changes the chemicals in your brain, impacting your thoughts and behaviors. Prolonged alcohol consumption is also closely linked to cancer and suicide. In the dopaminergic pathway, one such gene is a dopamine receptor D2 (DRD2) which codes for a receptor of dopamine. It has been around for thousands of years and has been known for its many stimulating and mind altering effects.


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